Achieving 100% recyclability
Lime Plaster is not a new product; ancient Egyptian monuments, Maltese buildings, the Great Wall of China and the Aztec Empire all used lime as a building material. The UK industry brought this product back to prominence. One of the reasons is that you can recycle the product 100% and use it again. But as important is the ability to create intrinsic designs and apply the plaster with ease.

Mica flakes for a brighter decorative effect
Leading training centres show apprentices how to mix and apply lime plaster containing mica flakes for a brighter decorative effect. LKAB Minerals works with a centre of excellence in London to find the best products for aesthetic appeal in this application. The variety of mica particle shapes and colours available provides plaster finishes with a variety of effects.
You can chip off the lime plaster of the surface it has been applied to and then crushes and reuse it. However, it will stay in situ for many years. The 2000 BC Egyptian monuments with lime plaster are still intact. So are the statues in Jordan which our ancestors made from lime plaster dating back to 5000 BC.
DekorFlake availability
LKAB Minerals Mica decorative flakes are branded ‘DekorFlake‘. Would you like to receive a sample or more product information, please contact us today.
We love a good sparkle and hope you do too!