Minerals for agriculture

Our range of minerals

We have, through organic growth and acquisitions, grown from a one mineral company to a multi-mineral company, supplying raw materials into diverse markets, from agriculture, to industrial coatings and construction.

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Alloy steel material Molybdenum

Molybdenum’s ability to withstand extreme temperatures without significant thermal expansion or softening makes it useful in intense heat applications.

Fused Alumina

Aluminium oxide solution Fused Alumina

Fused Alumina is made in an electric arc furnace by passing a current between vertical carbon electrodes. The heat generated from this procedure melts the alumina feedstock.

Aluminium Trihydrate (ATH)

Aluminium Trihydrate (ATH)

LKAB Minerals offer a range of fine-ground Aluminium Trihydrate (ATH) products from European manufacturing locations.

Andalusite - an alumino-silicate mineral

Andalusite for refractory linings

Andalusite is an alumino-silicate mineral occurring in metamorphic rocks as elongated rhombic prisms, sometimes of gem quality.


Anhydrite mineral Andricite

Andricite® is a stable, finely ground synthetic anhydrous calcium sulphate used in a wide range of construction applications.


Bentonite as a binding agent

Bentonite is used in a wide range of applications within the foundry industry as a binder, as the mineral can withstand high temperatures.

Calcifert Lime as fertiliser and soil conditioner

Calcifert as soil conditioner

The Calcifert range offers granulated products to the agricultural industry. Calcifert provides essential nutrients to grassland and crops in a format farmers apply using conventional fertiliser spreading equipment.

GGBS – Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag

Cement material GGBS

Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS) offers great durability, reducing the likelihood of concrete thermal cracking, and it improves concrete’s resistance to damage from alkali-silica reaction, sulphates and chlorides.


Concrete material DekorFlake

DekorFlake is a range of natural Mica flakes designed to impart a decorative metallic or natural sparkle effect for decorative concrete.

Bed materials for bioenergy

Duraheat for energy generation

Advanced bed materials designed for energy generation efficiency and operational challenges.

MagniF - Dry, Pure, Fine-milled Magnetite

Ferromagnetic material MagniF

MagniF, produced from the natural iron oxide Magnetite, is used as a functional filler in polymers and coatings.

Firecarb - An Expandable Graphite Fire Retardant Additive

Fireproof material FireCarb

FireCarb is an expandable intumescent graphite fire retardant additive that can expand when heated.

UltraCarb - Halogen Free Fire Retardant Filler

Flame resistant Ultracarb

UltraCarb products are hydromagnesite – huntite fire retardants, for a wide range of polymers and rubbers.

Gypsol Binder - Anhydrite Floor Screed Supplier for underfloor heating

Floor screed solutions with Gypsol

Gypsol is a general-purpose, free-flowing, self-compacting anhydrite screed binder.

Minerals in decorative paint - Chalk

High quality Chalk filler

LKAB Minerals offer UK-manufactured Chalk from a local, high-quality soft white chalk deposit that has been quarried for more than sixty years.

Limestone FIller

Limestone calcium carbonate powder

Used as an anti-stripping additive and mineral filler, our limestone is found in asphalt to improve quality cost-effectively.

MagnaChem - Pure and Natural Fine Magnetite

MagnaChem for ferric chloride production

MagnaChem is a product of very pure and natural fine magnetite used for the water treatment industry


MagnaDense for dense concrete

MagnaDense is a natural Magnetite used for loose ballast and high density concrete.

Magnesium Oxide

Magnesium minerals

Manufactured Magnesium, providing technical grade Magnesium for many industries worldwide.

Fordacal Marble

Marble filler Fordacal Marble

Fordacal marble is made from off-cuts from Northern Italy, perfect for applications when whiteness is of paramount importance.

MinSand - Spherical Refractory Bead

MinSand as silica sand

MinSand is a perfectly spherical refractory bead produced by fusing and supercooling Bauxite in an electric arc furnace.


Mulcoa for ceramic manufacture

Mulcoa is a high mullite chamotte produced by calcining low alkali clays for consistent quality and chemistry.



Olivine is a naturally occurring mineral magnesium iron silicate sourced from Norway with a high melting point and density.


Phlogopite mineral MicaFort

MicaFort, Muscovite and Phlogopite Micas are mineral fillers for a large variety of applications in the polymers and coatings industries.

Refractory Grade Bauxites

Refractory grade Bauxite

Refractory bauxite is calcined at 1600 – 1650°C, producing a dense, high-purity and stable aggregate.

Dead Burnt Magnesite, SKLS Magnesite, and Nedmag Magnesia

Refractory grade Magnesite

Magnesite ore is mined and classified, then purified and calcined to provide the raw material for refractory-grade magnesite products.

Chromite Sand

Refractory material Chromite Sand

Natural chrome ore is used as form sand in foundry applications.

Chrome Alumina

Refractory mineral Chrome Alumina

LKAB Minerals Chrome Alumina is produced during the manufacture of aluminothermic chromium metal.

Magnesitic Talc

Talc minerals

LKAB Minerals offer fine Magnesitic Talc for various applications such as agricultural and horticultural, polymer processing, coating applications and the ceramics industry.


Tantalum metal

Tantalum is one of the most inert, unreactive metals known. It confers a high capacitance in a small volume.


Tungsten for refractory metals

It has the highest tensile strength and the lowest thermal expansion of all metals.


Zirconium sand solution Zircon

Zirconium silicate (naturally occurring beach sand) has a high thermal expansion coefficient.

Minerals for agriculture
Industrial Minerals

You find our products in the least expected places

Modern life would be impossible without minerals. Minerals are used in the production of everything from paint to cosmetics, water treatment chemicals to sound proofing foams and polymers, high-density concrete and the growth in green technology.