Calcifert to aid organic farming
As supported by the Soil Association, organic agriculture can offer the following benefits:
- It helps to support biodiversity and wildlife.
- It can help to combat climate change.
- Organic regulations offer the highest standards of animal welfare.
- Reduces exposure to pesticides.

What is organic farming?
Organic farming refers to the production or growth of food without the use of chemical fertilisers, pesticides, or artificial chemicals.
What makes Calcifert Lime and Calcifert Mag organic?
OF&G and the Scottish Organic Producers Association approved Calcifert Lime and Calcifert Mag for use in organic agriculture. Their certification states that these products comply with their standards (incorporating EC Regulations 834/2007).
Our Calcifert Lime is produced using virgin limestone from Derbyshire quarries. The raw material is transported to our plant in Runcorn, where it is ground into an ultra-fine powder before granulating. This produces our organic and easy-to-apply products for the agricultural industry and organic farmers.
If you would like to find out more, get in touch or read more about our Calcifert products.