
Fertilisers and Soil Conditioners

Improve the efficiency of your farm by optimising the nutrient availability of the soil. Use our range of granulated Calcium based fertiliser products including Calcium lime, Magnesium lime and Calcium Sulphate.

Calcifert Lime as fertiliser and soil conditioner
Calcifert Fertilisers and Soil Conditioners

Fertilisers provide nutrient for the soil

Depending on your soil’s requirements, we can advise you on the right type of fertiliser from our Calcifert range.

Whether you have questions about the practicalities of measuring calcium levels in the soil, calcium’s role in a zero-tillage system, or using calcium on your farm, LKAB Minerals understands how important Calcium’s key role is in getting the most from soil, crops, and livestock. Accordingly, we can advise you on the right type of soil conditioners and fertilisers from our Calcifert range.

Calcium Fertiliser: Cost-reducing and improved yield

There are many benefits to using granulated calcium products as a fertiliser. One benefit of using granulated products is no contractors are required. This is because all granulated products can be spread using a standard farm spreader. Secondly, the high reactivity of our fertiliser allows for a low rate of application that rapidly reacts with the soil producing the desired effect.

Depending on your soil’s requirements, we can advise you on the right type of fertiliser from our Calcifert range.

The benefits of using LKAB Minerals products on your farmland:

Independent AQS certification for Calcifert

Calcifert Lime is one of the first lime products certified under the new AgLime Quality Standard (AQS).

Firstly, AQS is an industry-led initiative requiring all Agricultural Lime Association (ALA) members supplying Ag lime to undertake annual tests to verify their compliance with UK national or EU regulatory standards. The ALA created this standard so farmers can have confidence in the quality of the lime they are buying. This standard is the first assurance benchmark within the UK fertiliser sector for agricultural lime products. The standard includes tests measuring reactivity, neutralising value (NV), fineness, and calcium & magnesium content.

Why is The AQS significant?

Secondly, the AQS provides farmers with the added reassurance for lime bought is independently verified fertiliser meeting a recognised standard. We firmly believe farmers need to have confidence in the specification of the inputs they are applying to their soil. This is to ensure they get the results they require and expect. Our customers know that by buying Calcifert Lime, they can be confident of getting a very high-quality, premium ground limestone that’s 100% reactive.

Calcifert Lime as fertiliser and soil conditioner


Our Calcifert range of products includes Mag, Sulphur, Lime, and LS11.

Calcifert Soil Conditioners: Specific solutions for different soil conditions

We understand not all soils are the same and there are particular crop-related nutrient requirements. Fortunately, we have many years of experience with a large variety of soil types and nutrient-related issues, and a range of soil conditioners and fertilisers for your requirements.

Case studies are available for some of the projects we have worked on that explain the specific challenge and the solution. LKAB Minerals work with a dedicated agronomist who can help you with any technical questions you may have. Please feel free to contact us for more information, additionally, you can visit our product page to find out more about the Calcifert range.