
Coat your seeds for better agricultural results

Seed identification is critical for the agricultural industry; minerals can be used to provide a high quality coating.

seed identification

Positive effects with naturally platy mica (MicaFort)

MicaFort has very low moisture content and therefore helps to prevent seed rot or early germination. On the other hand and due to its potassium content it feeds seedlings upon germination.

During seed coating production MicaFort helps to improve the flowability during the later planting of the seeds. Different MicaFort grades have an excellent bronze colouration with an excellent sheen which is a very distinguishable colour for seeds. Seed coatings generally accept pigmentation/colouration very well.

Bentonite clay for seed coatings

Another natural mineral being used for seed coating is Bentonite. This clay-based mineral encapsulates the seed which on exposure to moisture will swell. This application requires a calcium bentonite as it will release the seed once it is wetted due to moisture forcing the clay plates apart. Bentonite can be coloured by the seed coating manufacturer if required.

Contact us for technical product information

For more technical product information on either MicaFort or Bentonite, please contact a sales manager by selecting your country and filling out the contact form; alternatively, you can give us a ring.