Supporting the local community
LKAB Minerals purchased the equipment, recognising it as vital support for local villagers. A defibrillator is a device that gives a high energy electric shock to the heart of someone who is in cardiac arrest. Many villages install this equipment in case paramedics are not immediately available. The Beswick defibrillator will be situated in what was the local telephone box. And becomes accessible after calling Yorkshire Ambulance Service for a keypad code.

Giving back to the community
Paul Boustead, Operations Director for LKAB Minerals commented ‘as a company, we feel it is important to give back to our local community. Supporting such a worthwhile investment ensures we support the local parish residents. And although we hope they never need it, it will be available to save lives. We are proud to support Beswick Parish.’
LKAB Minerals invited the councillors in attendance to take a tour of the Lund operation. They got a change to see for themselves the processing undertaken at the site. Ian Reid, Chair for the Beswick Parish Council commented ‘It was very useful and illuminating to attend a site tour and it allowed us to understand the operation of the plant. We found the hand-over a very enjoyable occasion and thank LKAB for the defibrillator.’
LKAB Minerals Lund
The Lund operation predominantly processes chalk and huntite products. The industry uses these minerals in:
- coatings
- polymer and sealant applications
- wire & cabling
- foam insulation
- rubber applications