Let’s Talk – new UK partnership with Mates In Mind
Mates in Mind is a registered charity that provides a framework to raise awareness and address the stigma of poor mental health in the UK. The charity provides clear information to UK employers on available support and guidance on mental health. They also support as well as how employers can address and improve this across their organisations.

Lift stigma around Mental Health
Pete Donohoe, National Health, Safety and Engineering Manager explains, “There is still a stigma around Mental Health and often people don’t want to ask for help. This is especially true in the manufacturing and construction sector. This fantastic new partnership means we can provide specialist help and guidance for our team, from those in the manufacturing plants to the offices”.
According to the Mental Health at Work 2018 Summary Report, 3 out of 5 employees experience mental health issues because of work. Furthermore, 68% of managers still believe there are barriers to providing support for the mental wellbeing of those they manage.
The sixth Golden Rule
Layla Young, European HR Director said, “Our employees are at the heart of the company. There are some fantastic programmes, such as Safety First, to ensure that Physical Health and Safe Working Practices are a priority. We’re now ready to take Employee Wellness one step further. Therefore, we support our staff in taking care of their mental health. This partnership with Mates in Mind is the beginning of a really exciting Employee Wellness campaign which will be rolled-out throughout 2020.”
Let's talk in the UK
This partnership is a UK initiative, part of LKAB Special Products Division’s ‘Let’s Talk’ programme. ‘Let’s talk’ is a wide concept and relates to comfort, well-being, stress and relations in general. The work and workplace should not cause or contribute to any psychological issues.
- Mind 0300 123 3393
- Construction Industry 0345 605 1956
- Samaritans 116 123