International focus on plastic recycling and sustainability

Industry Insights June 11, 2019

One of the speakers at the event was our colleague, Chatzinikolaou Theodosios (Sakis). He talked about the innovations and benefits of using UltraCarb, MagniF and MicaFort in polymer compounds. How our minerals can benefit the recycling of plastic, is something we are developing currently. However, we already know much about the sustainable characteristics of our natural minerals for plastics.

International trend on plastic recycling

We noticed that not only during this Russian forum but also at other events we recently participated in or will participate in, we see an increased emphasis on recycling. For example, next week, June 19, our colleague Stefan Viering will share his view on using Ultra Fine Ground Magnetite for plastic recycling. A topic that we expect will get the audience enthusiastic on the new opportunities of our MagniF UF product offers.

Another event, held last May, was the one our colleague Melissa Bartz, from our U.S. office attended on compounding. During this conference, the audience mentioned recycling as an opportunity for the compounding industry.

These three events make us conclude that recycling definitively is a global focus for now and the future in all the compounds related business we do.

Sustainable plastics

Another important topic that the industry focuses on national and international events related to compounding is sustainability. We see an increased demand for sustainable minerals, processes and also for sustainable supply.

Recently at the ChinaPlas exhibition, our colleagues Aaron and Roger noticed that the market is looking for innovative materials which are both safer and more environmentally friendly. And so did Melissa on the Compounding World Expo, this was an important issue mentioned by many visitors.

Particularly for UltraCarb, we already can share our knowledge from the Life Cycle Analysis that was done, comparing UltraCarb with precipitated ATH (Aluminium TriHydrate). Moreover, this report immediately shows the lower environmental footprint of our natural mineral.

LKAB Minerals has a sustainable supply chain

In addition, we are also proud to state that we have many initiatives regarding a sustainable supply chain. Some examples we previously shared on this topic are:

In conclusion, we see that the Polymer and Coatings industry has a green focus, something we know we can and must be part of!

Would you like to know how our industrial minerals can sustainably benefit your product or applications? Please, contact your regional sales manager to discuss opportunities, ask for samples and share knowledge.